Weekend Press Round-up
The Kilburn Times reports on residents concerned about social cleansing;
“Pete Firmin, who is a committee member of the residents’ association, said: “We thought the project was about improving local facilities and living conditions in social homes; but now, those who have been living in the area are essentially being driven out. This all amounts to a social cleansing of South Kilburn.””
The Ham and High tell us of the vibrant campaign that beat off Sainsbury’s;
“Within days of the bid becoming public the local community had begun a huge campaign to fight the plans for a new Sainsbury’s – supported by groups including the South End Green Association and the Hampstead Shops Campaign.
Dozens turned out to express their hostility with placards proclaiming “Painsbury’s” and “Don’t Mess With Hampstead Grrr!”… Some 3,700 people signed a petition demanding a halt to the plans.”
The Camden New Journal reports on MP Frank Dobson’s stepping down speech at Camden Town Hall;
“Since the Camden New Journal started carrying suggestions that I was considering retiring, I have been both flattered and surprised by the number of people who have stopped me in the street, on the bus, at meetings to say they hope it’s not true,” said Mr Dobson. “But as my wife Janet has pointed out, this must be the time to go rather than waiting until people stop me to say it’s time I went.”
He added: “I have always tried to be straight with people about where I stand on any issues while usually trying to respect the opinions of the people with a different point of view. For me sticking up for local people is the main job of an MP.”
One Barnet blogger, Rog T of the Barnet Eye thinks Mayor Hugh Raynor should stay;
“There is no earthly reason why Hugh Rayner should stand down, when he exemplifies all of the qualities and talents of the local Conservative Party. None of the rest of them are going to stand down for behaviour far worse than Mr Rayner, so why should Labour pick on him?”
What could be offensive about a vegan cake shop in Camden? LibCom say London Anti-fascists have concerns;
“Camden is a mecca for all manner of sub-cultures which historically has included the neo-Nazi music scene. This still occurs, to a lesser extent, today and we were concerned that the place could again become a magnet again for their obviously neo-Nazi friends. We believe the presence of racists, organised or not, and those who associate with explicitly racist/white power music scenes, pose a direct threat to people of colour and those who take ideological opposition to racist and fascist ideas.”
The Enfield Gazette reports on yet another small piece of the NHS being chipped off into the private sector;
NHS chiefs have selected a GP-run health firm to run primary care services at a new, council-owned community centre in Enfield Lock.
Haverstock Healthcare Ltd, which is run by a coalition of 26 London GP practices, has won the contract from NHS England to provide health services at the new Ordnance Unity Centre, in Ordnance Road, when it opens this autumn.
The announcement was made a year after the demolition of Ordnance Road Library got under way as part of a joint council and NHS effort to provide a new community facility including a library and surgeries for doctors and dentists.
The Haringey Independent is surprised to see a school governor comparing a union rep to Hermann Goering;
When challenged on his remark, which was made on Twitter last week, Mr Kelly replied that Goering had “bombed quite a few of the schs [schools], tho [though] arguably did less damage than Julie.”
He added: “Approx 5 bombs were dropped on Haringey in the Blitz and I reckon 5 schs [schools] were badly affected. Do you think JD disrupted more or fewer?”
Mr Kelly appears to have since deleted his tweets, but they are still visible on the tweet-curating website Storify.
A commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe, Hermann Goering is widely credited with founding the Gestapo.
To read our coverage and support of Haringey NUT read here and also that she’s been ordered to stay silent.
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