Trade Union rights are under attack in Haringey. Secondary Headteachers are demanding a veto over who represents the National Union of Teachers, before meeting their legal requirement to fund union representation for their staff.
Haringey Council have suspended the NUT branch Secretary Julie Davies on spurious and politically motivated charges. Disgracefully, they are attempting to redefine the basis on which she is employed so as to railroad through a process of dismissal. This has implications for the whole Trade Union movement and is an attack not only on Julie Davies but on our rights to organise and be represented.
In response the NUT nationally has asked for a delegation to meet with the Council Leadership to discuss these matters. They have been ignored. We have taken, and will continue to pursue legal action aimed at defending our elected representative from discriminatory action by the council. We are balloting in schools for strike action, taking strike action, and asking Headteachers to commit to the agreed process of funding trade union representation within their schools, irrespective of who members elect to represent them. We are determined to defend our basic rights to representation.
Details of the campaign, petition, contact details of local councillors, of the case pursued against Julie and information on Labour and Trade
Union support are all at
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