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Stories written by Reuben
Editorial: A fantastic victory for the St Mungo’s Broadway Strikers, and a fascinating piece on our hollowed out lives


Editorial: A fantastic victory for the St Mungo’s Broadway Strikers, and a fascinating piece on our hollowed out lives


By Reuben Bard-Rosenburg If you didn’t notice, something a bit bloody brilliant happened last Tuesday. The week before last, the North London Star reported on the on the seven day strike by workers at homeless Charity St Mungo’s Broadway. We were expecting to report on further actions in the weeks ahead. But this we shall […]

St Mungo’s Broadway strike rally in Harringey: rocketing union membership, and a will to persist

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St Mungo’s Broadway strike rally in Harringey: rocketing union membership, and a will to persist

By Reuben Bard-Rosenburg Yesterday, workers at homeless charity St Mungo’s Broadway demonstrated outside Haringey Civic Centre, as they marked the final day of their week long strike. “One director told us that we wouldn’t find any work elsewhere because we were unemployable”, one worker told me. With bosses like this, its perhaps possible to understand […]

An exciting week ahead

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An exciting week ahead

By Reuben Bard-Rosenberg So, today marks the beginning of an exciting week, for all of us who are oppose to the current order of things. This morning NHS midwives were engaged in an unprecedented strike over ongoing attacks on pay an conditions. From what I’ve seen the pickets were pretty well attended despite the manky […]

Mental health support has been slashed and trashed, and it will take more than Clegg’s pittance to fix that


Mental health support has been slashed and trashed, and it will take more than Clegg’s pittance to fix that

Written by Charlie Smoke. Today is World Mental Health Day. This week, Nick Clegg announced a £120 million increase in funding for mental health care in a package that includes the implementation of targets. In a move described as ‘highly unusual’, the policy was at the heart of Clegg’s conference speech, and will feature among […]

Editorial: Look at our awesome calendar

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Editorial: Look at our awesome calendar

Editorial by Reuben Bard-Rosenberg Back in the day I was sat in a meeting with my fellow North London Star Jim, when an activist got up and denounced the event as a talking shop. Jim spoke next and in characteristic fashion said that he quite liked the idea of a talking shop, since it was a […]

Editorial: Introducing the new letters page, and hoping for a slightly noisier September

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Editorial: Introducing the new letters page, and hoping for a slightly noisier September

Editorial by Reuben Bard-Rosenberg Sorry I’m late sir. The dog ate my printer. As proper fans of the North London Star will know, the editorial is meant to come out on a Monday, and today is indeed Tuesday. Feel free to call me a nasty name like Arnold or Gertrude. Anyway I do come bearing […]

Editorial: Lots going on, but what do we actually think?

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Editorial: Lots going on, but what do we actually think?

Editorial by Reuben Bard-Rosenberg Good evening, happy Monday, and welcome to week 5 of the North London Star. There’s been a fair amount going on in North London last week, and I’d say we’ve reported on a good slice of it. August, it turns out, is not silly season after all. Earlier in the week 200 […]

North Londoners plan the fight against TTIP

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North Londoners plan the fight against TTIP

by Reuben Bard-Rosenberg Yesterday I went along to a meeting in Islington of activists opposed to the Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). TTIP is a treaty being negotiated between the US and EU, which will not only remove barriers to trade, but which will also strictly limit the ability of governments to carry […]

Announced: Grace Petrie @ St Pancras Old Church 3rd October


Announced: Grace Petrie @ St Pancras Old Church 3rd October

Radical folksinger Grace Petrie has announced a show at St Pancras Old Church – one of North London’s most spectacular intimate music venues – on Friday October 3rd. Tickets are on sale here. Grace, who has just come back from Glasto and Latitude, will be playing with the full band. Expect an awesome night.

Solidarity with the Kurdish struggle in Turkey and Syria

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Solidarity with the Kurdish struggle in Turkey and Syria

Appeal to all Kurdistani people, supporters and humanitarian organisations to support Syrian Kurdish region.Today the Syrian people in general and Kurds in particular are going through a violent proxy war. The Syrian Kurdish region is suffering most severely due to imposed double blockade of both the brutal Assad regime and the armed opposition. People in […]

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