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The Great 1984/5 miners strike, why a film? Why now?


Seminars are in the Olga Crisp Room [104] at the Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Malet St, London, WC1 . Free without ticket

Review: Pride – a brilliant, feel good story

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Review: Pride – a brilliant, feel good story

Review of Pride, out today, by Jim Jepps. For people of my generation The Miners’ Strike of 1984 was a defining moment. For good and ill, it shaped our ideas and beliefs about this country for decades to come. Just like the movement against the Iraq war it was not only a set of events that […]

Review: Wonderland

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Review: Wonderland

by Hope Liebersohn Beth Steel was the daughter of a Nottinghamshire miner, and her play about the miners’ strike of 1984-5 at the Hampstead Theatre in Swiss Cottage runs until 26 July only, and is well worth a visit. You’ll get an insight into the cold, determined cabinet minister, Nicholas Ridley and the Coal Board […]